Chinese Interpreter Service

Chinese Interpreter Service

Anindyatrans Provider of Official Chinese Interpreter Service in Jakarta Indonesia Call us +6218287269379 E-mail:

Chinese Interpreter ServiceChinese Interpreter Service are classified as foreign language services, although there are small groups of Indonesian citizens whose mother tongue is Chinese. In the bilateral relations in connection with the international crime investigation, Chinese Interpreter Services are intended for the relevant language mastery and use efforts, particularly for police investigation, court or trial to understands witness testimony in addressing the cases, so that Indonesians authority can utilize information in the Chinese language. Thus, this language is considered as a tool for accelerating the development such cases and as a tool of communications with other nations, in this case the Chinese people in Mainland China, Taiwan, Singapore, Malaysia, and elsewhere.

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Chinese Translation Jakarta

chinese characterChinese Translation Jakarta under the management of Anindyatrans with branches in Batam, Bandung,  Semarang, Surabaya always work professionally. In the translation process, the translators always follow several steps. The stages include the following:

Preparation of material translation, at this stage, the translator prepared the material to be translated. In addition, some supporting references such as dictionaries and reference books also need to be prepared. Dictionaries are prepared to be adapted to the material to be translated. For example, if the material to be translated in the form of a legal document, the translator must prepare a legal dictionary and a variety of supporting references. Similarly, if the translator had to translate scientific documents or material in the form of research, they should prepare a dictionary or glossary of scientific as physics, chemistry, biology, and others.

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Chinese Translation

chinese character2Many Chinese people living in Jakarta, Indonesia, this number continues to grow from every year impacts directly on the development of cultural, business and social. Chinese society originally came to Indonesia to conduct trading relationships with the promising business opportunities in Indonesia currently there are many Chinese people or companies opened their business in Indonesia and communication is one of the fundamental things to cooperate with the Chinese community.

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Bahwa Pihak Pertama adalah suatu Perseroan yang berbadan Hukum Indonesia dan menjalankan usahanya di Indonesia;
Bahwa Pihak Pertama membutuhkan bantuan Pihak Kedua dari segi permasalahan Hukum yang akan timbul pada masa sekarang ataupun pada masa akan datang (dalam kurun waktu Perjanjian Aquo), baik dalam hal Keperdataan, Pidana maupun ketenagakerjaan serta aspek-aspek hukum lainnya yang masuk dalam Perundangan-undangan Republik Indonesia.

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