Anindyatrans Online Chinese Translation Service

Anindyatrans Translator JakartaAre you looking for a reliable and efficient source to help you break the language barrier? Look no further! Anindyatrans Translator Jakarta is the one-stop solution for all your language needs.

Anindyatrans Translator Jakarta is a leading translation service provider that specializes in providing professional quality language translation services for individuals, businesses, and organizations worldwide. With powerful translation technology, Anindyatrans Translator Jakarta can help you quickly and accurately translate any language to your desired language.

Anindyatrans Translator Jakarta is an online translation service provider that offers a range of translation services, including document translation, website translation, and interpretation services. Anindyatrans Translator Jakarta is capable of translating more than ten languages, including from and into Indonesian, English, Chinese, Korean, Arabic, Russian, Thai, Vietnamese, Dutch, German and French. Our translation is designed to be used by individuals, businesses, and organizations who need to translate documents, attestation, and interpreting services.

Anindyatrans Translator Jakarta uses advanced encryption technology to ensure that your translations are secure and private. We also provide a range of support options, including live chat and email support, to ensure you can get help when needed.

Anindyatrans Translator Jakarta also has a range of language-specific features, such as audio and video translation, voice recognition, and text-to-speech. It also has a range of tools to help you customize your translations, such as grammar and punctuation checkers, spell checkers, and dictionaries.

Anindyatrans is a certified translation service with experience translating court decisions, whether general court decisions, religious courts, commercial courts, and arbitration courts. In addition to court decisions, we are experienced in translating other legal documents such as laws, Government Regulations, Supreme Court Circulars, Supreme Court Regulations, Regional Regulations, Company Regulations, Agreements, Notary Deeds, and other official documents. Our branch offices are in DKI Jakarta, Cibubur, Depok, Bandung, and Bali.



Telepon: +62218452261

Whatsapp: +62-81310304594

Chinese Interpreter Service

Chinese Interpreter Service

Anindyatrans Provider of Official Chinese Interpreter Service in Jakarta Indonesia Call us +6218287269379 E-mail:

Chinese Interpreter ServiceChinese Interpreter Service are classified as foreign language services, although there are small groups of Indonesian citizens whose mother tongue is Chinese. In the bilateral relations in connection with the international crime investigation, Chinese Interpreter Services are intended for the relevant language mastery and use efforts, particularly for police investigation, court or trial to understands witness testimony in addressing the cases, so that Indonesians authority can utilize information in the Chinese language. Thus, this language is considered as a tool for accelerating the development such cases and as a tool of communications with other nations, in this case the Chinese people in Mainland China, Taiwan, Singapore, Malaysia, and elsewhere.

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attestation to Chinese embassy

attestation to Chinese embassy

attestation to Chinese embassy

Procedure for attestation to Chinese embassy in Jakarta the document should have attestation from Notary and from the Ministry of Justice & Foreign Affairs. Please provide as follows:
original document (send to my address below)
your purpose to RRC
what state or province in China will you work
our position will be as …

cost for attestation to Chinese embassy as follows:
1. sworn translation from bahasa Indonesia to Chinese Rp.600,000/result page
2. stamp by notary Rp.400,000/document
3. attestation from Ministry of Justice and Ministry of Foreign Affairs Rp.1,800,000/document
4. attestation from Chinese embassy in Jakarta Rp.3,500,000/document

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Tiongkok atau Tionghoa?

tiongkok atau tionghoa?

tiongkok atau tionghoa?

Salah ketik pemakaian kata TIONGKOK untuk penggunaan istilah resmi yang mengacu pada penggunaan dialect Hokkien sudah umum diterima mayoritas Etnis TIONGHOA di Indonesia maka dengan segala niat baik untuk menghilangkan ras diskriminasi Pemerintah secara resmi telah menetapkan peraturan penggunaan sebutan TIONGKOK dan TIONGHOA untuk sebutan kata CINA yang berkonotasi negatif untuk kebiasaan KHUSUS di Indonesia saja maka digunakan kata yang saya yakini berasal dari Simplified Chinese, yang kira-kira secara harfiah artinya NEGARA PUSAT. Tolong dikoreksi kalau saya salah !!

中国 = Zhōngguó

Lebih sering dibaca denga lafal Indonesia sebagai CHUNG KUO  sekalipun masyarakat International dan Negara RRC sendiri menetapkan nama negara adalah CHINA untuk terjemahan ini tidak ada yang menyimpang,maka saya tidak berani ganti apa apa,karena harus respect penerjemah sebelumnya juga selain nama koreksi juga tidak ada yang salah cuma bagian kewarganegaraan kata”tionghoa” tidak benar,harusnya “tiongkok”, tidak biasa kata ini digunakan ini sebenarnya adalah bahasa hokkien (bahasa daerah), sepengetahuan saya yang menerbitkan Akte Kelahiran (istilah baku bukan Akte Lahir) adalah Catatan Sipil, berdasarkan Surat Keterangan Lahir dari Rumah Sakit / Keputusan Pengadilan yang disertai Pernyataan saksi-saksi.

Demikian yang berlaku di kebanyakan negara termasuk Tiongkok (berdasarkan Ketetapan Pemerintah Republik Indonesia sudah tidak boleh menggunakan kata CINA), dan teks China adalah bahasa Inggris bukan Bahasa Indonesia. Namun bila saya ganti dengan Surat Keterangan Lahir, saya kuatir ybs dipersulit oleh Imigrasi yang akan memperpanjang Paspor

Chinese Translation Jakarta

chinese characterChinese Translation Jakarta under the management of Anindyatrans with branches in Batam, Bandung,  Semarang, Surabaya always work professionally. In the translation process, the translators always follow several steps. The stages include the following:

Preparation of material translation, at this stage, the translator prepared the material to be translated. In addition, some supporting references such as dictionaries and reference books also need to be prepared. Dictionaries are prepared to be adapted to the material to be translated. For example, if the material to be translated in the form of a legal document, the translator must prepare a legal dictionary and a variety of supporting references. Similarly, if the translator had to translate scientific documents or material in the form of research, they should prepare a dictionary or glossary of scientific as physics, chemistry, biology, and others.

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