Chinese Translation

chinese character2Many Chinese people living in Jakarta, Indonesia, this number continues to grow from every year impacts directly on the development of cultural, business and social. Chinese society originally came to Indonesia to conduct trading relationships with the promising business opportunities in Indonesia currently there are many Chinese people or companies opened their business in Indonesia and communication is one of the fundamental things to cooperate with the Chinese community.

Chinese interpreter or translator is usually needed by local companies and international cooperation ties with Chinese business entity. However, it is not just limited to that, Chinese translator also have job opportunities in other areas such as :

Tour guides:

Duty to inform the tour guide tourist attraction tourists travel escort, provide guide services such as counseling, information and guided tours, travel security guard, explained the purpose of arrivals in tourist destination areas, creating a positive impression on tourists, give comfort to the tourist experience, giving ‘value’ on the trip to make it more meaningful and help travelers everything necessary.

As the above job description, person responsible guides ensure the satisfaction of travelers vacationing accomplished in accordance promotional tour promised.

Video translator:

The increasing number of movies and shows from China, more and more video translator also needs required by the broadcasting company. Chinese translator have the expertise in this services and able to make a subtitling for Chinese movies or videos.

Chinese language teachers:

There are many schools in Indonesia that make the Chinese language as an additional subject in school. This is one of the Indonesian educational way for the era of globalization. The need for knowledge of the language is required. A Chinese language teacher must have the ability to speak, write in Chinese. Chinese language teachers are required to have the ability to translate written and spoken.

Chinese language teachers should also have extensive knowledge of the culture and Chinese language has a fairly high level of difficulty, it takes more ability to understand and learn.

With the growing presence of Chinese companies you will need us Chinese Translator Jakarta we will facilitate and expedite the communication with your Chinese business partner.

One comment to “Chinese Translation”
  1. 自我介绍本人杨国强是印尼中文语翻译员,本人住在印尼省,雅加达市。 若贵公司需要本人的翻译服务,敬请与本人联络。本人的电话号码 :

    +62-877-8899-8656+62-815-80600-80 本人的翻译报价包含: 一、文件翻译:印译中按一个字收费(¥0.8元/字),中译印按一个字收费(¥0.6元/字);二、岀差翻译服务:岀差翻译服务以八小时为算(¥200元/8小时)。  注:文件翻译按中文字数来计算(以上属常规报价,实际收费需根据专业度和时间充足度由双方协商确定)。

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